Course Description
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a system that contributes to increased productivity, prosperity, the well-being of humans, and sustainability of rice farming. IPM is both economically and ecologically sound. It increases farmer’s productivity while minimizing negative side effects on health and the environment, making it the preferred strategy for pest management.
The 5-day training course on IPM engages the participants in three important activities: 1) introduction to the recent paradigm shifts in rice pest management; 2) update on recent advances in management technologies; and 3) assistance in the preparation and implementation of an IPM research plan.
Course Objectives
By the end of the training course, the participants should be able to:
- Apply knowledge of ecology toward the management of rice pests
- Use the scientific approach to study rice pest management
- Improve understanding of yield losses that occur due to pest attacks
- Practice technologies that lead to better pest management
- Determine processes and factors that influence farmers’ decisions
- Use the scientific approach to develop and implement an IPM research plan.
Key Modules:
- Introduction to IPM – Ecology, Concepts, and Principles
- Insect pest management
- Major rice diseases and their management
- Integrated weed management in rice
- Management of rodents, golden apple snails, and birds
- Pesticide use pattern and its safe use in irrigated rice in Asia
- Farmer’s decision-making
- Planning and implementation of IPM research
Learning Modality
The course will be delivered face-to-face through a mixed modality of synchronous and asynchronous discussions with lectures, hands-on training, and field visits.
Target Audience
Participants for this training course are public officials, development practitioners, private company representatives, NGOs, program managers, consultants, lead farmers, or related persons, selected by the ITCC-RDA from the recommended candidates of KoRAA member countries.